Privacy Policy

Welcome to Oar App’s privacy policy. This document explains how Oar App uses, shares, and protects its user data. This privacy policy applies to all registered users (whether customers or workers).

All the terms, conditions, and rules mentioned in this privacy policy are in compliance with the local laws. Here, the terms “Users” refer to the customers and “Workers” refers to the expert technicians and professionals.

Collection of Personal Information

Oar App only collects the user’s and workers’ Name, Gender, DOB, Photograph, Email Address, Live Location, Residential Address, Cell Number, and Police Clearance Certificate. Your personal data, such as images, videos, or documents, aren’t collected nor through the app or from your phone.

How Do We Use Your Data?

At Oar App, our sole purpose of collecting user’s data is to offer, maintain, and improve the quality of our services. Your name, stored location, email address, and profile photo are strictly never shared with any third party.

On top of basic information, we only acquire National Identity Card Number (CNIC) and police clearance certificate as proof from workers. This helps us assure our customer’s base that all experts at Oar App have zero criminal record and haven’t been involved in any criminal, offensive or unlawful activity. We do not share, sell, or disclose any of our customer’s or worker’s data to any commercial or non-profit entity. Your provided data is only limited to Oar App and is used to help you use our services efficiently.

Cookies Consent 

We may use user’s stored cookies to track, analyze, and identify user behavior. The company may also use cookies to understand user’s interaction with the website and for sending promotional and informational messages, emails, or push notifications. 

Privacy and Protection

We Do Not Sell, Share, or Disclose Any Cookies or Data in Any Form with Third Party Applications, Websites, Commercial or Non Profit Entities. We follow safety and security standards as per global standards to ensure our database and infrastructure remains safe from any malicious activity. 

Access to personal information

Oar app customers have the right to edit their personal information at any moment. The registered workers can only change their personal information after putting an official review and edit request to the Oar app management. After the approval of the Oar management, the data will be scrutinized for correctness. It is up to the management discretion to allow changes in Worker profile. 

Advertising and Marketing

We Do Not Sell Any Form of Data to Any Marketing or Advertising Entity. However, we may use our customer’s data for sending promotional newsletters, offers, and push notifications regarding the service use age.

Feedback, Suggestions & Concerns

If any user, whether customer or worker, has any concerns, suggestions, or feedback to share, he/she can get in touch with us through email at Oar App appreciates any valuable feedback and suggestions that may help us improve the quality of our services.